Wilderness and the Human Role

10 am -12 pm

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Zane Lawyer, CFA’s EducationArborist, will give a talk on the evolving meaning of wilderness in Americanhistory and its significance for the future of the Catskill region. Followingthe presentation, a wide-ranging open discussion of wilderness will be heldwith the audience to further clarify the role of humans in the environment.Participants are encouraged to tell their own stories, perspectives, andfirst-hand experiences with wilderness and how their own understanding has orhasn’t changed over time.

Short Bio:

Zane received aB.S. in Forest Health with a minor in Environmental Writing and Philosophy fromSUNY ESF in 2016. Out of college he worked as a plant healthcare technicianuntil becoming a Certified Arborist in 2018. He has worked in the field ofarboriculture ever since. Both born and raised in Central New York, he and hiswife Kayla moved to the Catskills in 2020 and hope to one day buy and managetheir own woodlot.

Recommendedreadings for discussion:

The Trouble withWilderness or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature by William Cronon [shortread]

The Land Ethicby Aldo Leopold [short read]

Wilderness andthe American Mind by Roderick Frasier Nash [long read]


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